Monday, September 3, 2007


When I first arrived on the mission field, I will be honest that I thought that I wouldn't learn much from the Latino pastors. I don't know why I was so proud and thought I knew so much. I think it was the way that we as Americans are brought up. We think that when we go on a missions trip we have so much to offer and that we have a handle on theology and the things of God. If you would have asked me, I don't think I would have put it that way, but deep down inside I think I had that belief. I was going to the mission field because they NEEDED me and that was that!

I remember meeting some other American missionaries and telling them that we attended a native church and they basically said that if we wanted to get fed then we should come and visit the American church in town.

Now, four years later, I see how much God has humbled me. I find myself in awe on Sundays as I listen to my pastor, David, preach and teach from the Word of God. His insights are amazing, and I am learning so much... especially from the Old Testament, which Latinos tend to focus on more. I feel so humbled and I am grateful for both him and our pastor in Nicaragua, who sowed things into us that were from God and that have challenged us to move closer to Christ and be transformed into His likeness.


Hbomb said...

I think that is awesome Jan. I remember the first time I heard a native pastor from Uganda come to preach at our church...I was amazed at the depth of his faith. I think we as American's loss sight of the fact that God is not a respecter of persons...and I'm guessing many times people in 3rd world countries listen to the Lord better than we as American's do because we are too busy being blessed.

Jan said...

I just think that we have so much to learn from each other... we look at the gospel and read the bible through our culture. We can try not to, but we can't help it, it's in our very being. I like to hear the perspective of someone else and their culture. It challenges me and makes me grow.

Pfingston said...

I remember thinking . . no, more FEELING that "they" couldn't have such a deep relationship with God like I felt I did cause their worship was in Spanish and thier churches so "simple" . . .like you, God has humbled me and opened my eyes . . .And in my opinion the English servie that they have here is a tad weak . . .